
What we do

We offer a diverse range of call center services which help to restore the interest of various verticals by satisfying business needs for:
· Debt Management
· Sales Management
· Lead Generation

Debt management

We offer to solve your debt recovery problems here and now. We know how to do it quickly, without debtor’s complaints, and with an absolute guarantee of the best effect in strict conformance to the local law.

Sales management

We cater to potential customers to offer a diverse range of call center services by Impeccable Customer Service , Focused Technological Innovations, Growth-Oriented Business Associations with Insurance/ Real Estate/ Tour & Travel/ Franchise Selling/ Banking/E-Commerce/Health Care/Investment/Pharma/Hospitality. Our host of peripheral activities is aimed to take your business ahead through a blend of manpower, technology, research, and analytics.

Lead Generation

We enable your business and websites to create enormous traffic and this leads to more sales and higher conversion rates. If you have a quality lead generation process it will help a lot in finding the right customers your business needs.




High efficiency is our main historically developed competitive advantage. We know how to return more and quicker than others do, with maximum comfort for the debtor in full compliance with the finest ethical communication practices.



M.B.A. Consulting India employees are our major value! Each of them is a professional in a respective field. From call center operator to head of division, our team is a key to our success.



For over 28 years, we have been operating in the most challenging and perspective markets of the world. We cooperate with the largest companies and achieve truly unique results, being an indisputable leader in countries where we open our offices.



Recover more money and do it faster than the others do. We understand that it is crucial for our clients, and we handle it. Every day in different corners of the world.



All our steps are transparent, reasonable and result-oriented. We provide maximum information at every stage of our cooperation. Our ethics code is a key element of communication with debtors and improving their loyalty to you.



Only in the last several years, we've established representative offices in the largest Asian markets. In 2020, we've entered the Latin American market. This process is speeding up with every day. Our business growth rate exceeds market rate as a whole. Therefore, we may talk about global success of M.B.A. Consulting India and build unique relations with investors.

For whom we work

We are proud that clients from different business spheres and regions of the world appreciate our contribution to their success.
Every day, we solve problems of our clients as well as suggest new opportunities for growth of their business. Once having started cooperation with M.B.A. Consulting India, you will find a reliable and successful partner for key businesses of your company.


We offer investors a clear and easy-to-use plan to enter the NPL markets of all countries of our presence. It is an efficient tool to gain profit in the most perspective and fast-growing regions, where majority of population is still gaining their purchasing power and just starting to use financial products. Consumption growth, credit availability, and development of fintech and p2p platforms provide an opportunity to join the game at the most profitable terms. Moreover, we provide comfortable conditions and help to mitigate risks typical for developing markets.


Each debtor is our partner. The life cycle of our cooperation is not limited to solving a financial problem. We go even further. We offer to every person whom we called once, both the tools to pay off his/her debt and new opportunities to realize his/her personal and business potential.


We are proud of our team! Our employees are unified by the concept of the global financial system evolution. Our future is defined by our mission, we are doing business now, and are proud of what we have done in the past.


We improve financial literacy of population, contribute to reduction of social strain and improve economic situation in countries where we operate. We create hundreds of workplaces, facilitate the growth of small and medium-size businesses, recover large businesses and contribute to optimization of regional financial law.


Our values


First and foremost, we see a person behind every debt, every employee or every partner. A person who strives to be happy.


We are continuously working on new technologies which tomorrow will completely change people's beliefs about our world. We integrate our unique solutions and apply the best global practices to achieve unrivaled results for all our partners.


Our historical market advantage is to show the best results within the shortest possible time. Our ultimate efficiency and performance ensure long-term cooperation with the world’s largest clients and investors, expanding our planning horizons for long decades.


Building open and trust relationships with clients, employees, investors and debtors is a major component of our philosophy and one of the key elements of the company's financial success.

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